
上海龙凤shlf最新地址I hope that our meeting will be what a meeting between you and me should be, after everything that has occurred[171a]. In old days there was always a wide chasm between us, the chasm of achieved Art and acquired culture: there is a still wider chasm between us now, the chasm of Sorrow: but to Humility there is nothing that is impossible, and to Love all things are easy.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我希望,一切是非曲直过后[171a],此次会面会像你我见面应该有的那个样子。 在过去,你我之间总有一道鸿沟,由于艺术和修养的高下而产生的鸿沟;而现在,横在我们之间有一道更深的鸿沟,那是悲怆的鸿沟。但是,只要心怀谦卑,就万事可成,只要心里有爱,也就天下无难事了。